Quest for Happiness

I have started this blog in hopes of finding a job that will be fulfilling both emotionally and financially and all the while making me happy. I want to enjoy going to work every day and know that I’m doing something for the better good. I don’t want to bring my job home with me. Instead, I want to leave it at the office or at least at my front door, so to not constantly bring it into my personal life. Because it is just that… my personal life. I need to be able to separate my personal life from that of my professional life. 


In the past I have not been happy coming home after work and less than thrilled with my past job experiences. I always loved what I did, but there was always something there that made me less than happy to be there.


This blog will provide updates on my job search and at the same time discuss my day to day operations such as what I’m cooking for dinner, my thoughts on a tv show, interview outcomes, etc. What I’m cooking for dinner has been a big interest to those who follow me on Facebook and Twitter so I plan to provide more detail on my meals and my husband Nick’s thoughts on them as well.


Thanks for reading and following along as I pursue my quest for job happiness, while being addicted to reality tv, cooking a go-go, hustling the interviews and being a loving at home wife.

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