Carapelli Olive Oil – Product Review
Recently I had the opportunity to try out Carapelli Olive Oil. I use olive oil on a regular basis so it was right up my alley to try out this brand. Did you know their are 4 S’s of Olive Oil tasting? Neither did I. I learned so much by reading the Carapelli press […]
Gingerbread House Making Extravaganza
4 years ago my hubby and I decided we should start a new tradition of making gingerbread houses. We invited our dear friends Wright & Alice over to join in the fun. Needless to say our house didn’t remain standing, icing was everywhere and it was basically a disaster. A fun disaster nonetheless. […]
The Olive Tap – Product Review
One of my favorite things in the world is going to a restaurant where they offer bread and olive oil for dipping before my meal. I especially love it when there is a bunch of spices in the oil. Enter The Olive Tap. Recently The Olive Tap contacted me to review their products and how […]