The Device Every Instagram Addict Needs
Calling all Instagram, Vine, Facebook, Twitter and Photography addicts! Listen up…. Have you heard of the new Nokia Lumia Icon yet? Have you seen the commercials? You know the ones with the amazing sounds and super clear and crisp pictures? This phone has a gazillion great features (it is a Windows phone after all) but […]
To celebrate the MOMentumNation official launch, we’re having a “Building Your Brand†Twitter party.
To celebrate the launch of MOMentumNation and thank our friends, we’re having a party. It’s also MOMentum’s birthday–three years ago. We hope you’ll join us. Tuesday, November 13th 9pm–10pm EST hashtag: #mybranding Please follow our sponsors and co-hosts:  @Childhood @KDevito @EnVy pillow @SecondButton @DrinkBai @TJMaxx @BaborCosmetics @Squishables We […]
Beauty, Bullying, Real Housewives of OC Season 8, Family and More with Heather Dubrow – PART 2
PART 2 with Heather Dubrow Quick 5 ME: Fave junk food treat HEATHER: Twizzlers (We both agreed Twizzlers beat out Red Vines hands down. We even chatted about biting off the ends of the Twizzlers and using them as straws. You know you’ve done it too.) ME: All time fave movie HEATHER: There’s so many. […]
My huge shopping spree – Kmart Sears Land’s End Review
I love that I can buy items from Kmart, Sears and Land’s End with any of their gift cards. Recently I won a Kmart gift card from the #kmartchat Twitter party hosted by @crissy, @mommyinsider, @jollymom, @kmart and @stacieinatlanta. As you can imagine I was thrilled because that meant…. Shopping spree for me! I was in […]
Samsung Galaxy Tablet 8.9 – Product Review
Guess what I got for Christmas? Audrey McClelland is one of Santa’s elves, I’m convinced. I participated in the #ATT Twitter giveaway with @AudreyMcClellan the week of Christmas and won the Samsung Galaxy Tablet 8.9. I was thrilled! I was dying for a tablet as I’m always on the go and a tablet is perfect […]