Beauty, Bullying, Real Housewives of OC Season 8, Family and More with Heather Dubrow – PART 2
PART 2 with Heather Dubrow Quick 5 ME: Fave junk food treat HEATHER: Twizzlers (We both agreed Twizzlers beat out Red Vines hands down. We even chatted about biting off the ends of the Twizzlers and using them as straws. You know you’ve done it too.) ME: All time fave movie HEATHER: There’s so many. […]
Celebrity Spottings at Blogher ‘10
Ok, so I knew there would be a couple of celebrities in advance of the Blogher conference, but there were a few surprises. After I hit the registration table at Blogher, I went upstairs and a woman told me that Bruce Jenner was pouring OJ over at the Tropicana stations. I had to see. He […]