NJ Unemployed Founder to Appear on “Kane In Your Corner” This Weekend
Katie DeVito, Founder of NJ Unemployed will be on News 12 New Jersey’s “Kane In Your Corner” this weekend. Set your DVR’s!
NJ Unemployed Officially Launched
As you know from my previous posts, I have been forming an NJ Unemployed group. Well it’s official! My NJ Unemployed website has officially launched. Please take a moment and check it out. Additionally, there is also a NJ Unemployed LinkedIn group, Facebook Fanpage and Twitter page. My mission is to bring the NJ Unemployed […]
The Early Show
As you know, I’ve been working with PARADE magazine on the “What People Earn” project. Please Become a Fan on the “What People Earn” Facebook Fanpage. PARADE pitched their story about the project to CBS’s “The Early Show”. Since I had been chatting with PARADE about my job search, employment history, social media and the […]