Katie – What is it like putting your life out on TV? Do you regret putting certain events/relationships out there?
Alexa – It’s very organic for me to be on TV. I have a lot of things that happen to me on a day to day basis that wouldn’t happen to normal people. I don’t live my life with regrets.
Katie – What changes will we see at the Gatsby this season?
Alexa – Of course like any business you’re gonna see the Gatsby and the people around it, a bunch of obstacles, but of course with conflict there’s resolution. You’re gonna see a normal show. You’re gonna see us in the space going through all sorts of situations.
Katie – I loved the first season. I’m a big fan. What do you think is the biggest thing you’ve learned since your new found fame on Jerseylicious?
Alexa – I think since the show I’ve found that I’ve never known how evil people are. In general people are psychotic with emails and things like that. Emails that are five pages long with people giving these psychotic diatribes on how much they hate you. So I never knew how evil people were. I think that’s the only epiphany that I’ve had.
Katie – Best advice you’ve gotten since being on the show?
Alexa – Take everything with a grain of salt. It’s so easy to let different situations affect you, but I’ve just learned to take it with a grain of salt. It’s been great.
Katie – What is something your fans would be surprised to know about you?
Alexa – My fans would be surprised that I spend a lot of my time in sweatpants, no makeup on and my hair up. That’s the truth. If I can bum it I will bum it.