Celebrate Your Style Sweepstakes with Hanes Hosiery


Hanes wants to give you a pair of Hanes Hosiery just for participating in our Celebrate Your Style Sweepstakes on Facebook. Share a photo of yourself rocking your favorite outfit that includes tights (the tights don’t have to be Hanes Hosiery) and tell ten of your Facebook friends about it, and we’ll send you a pair of tights – it’s that easy.


On top of that, we’ll be picking weekly winners, ten in total, to receive additional Hanes Hosiery plus a $50 VISA gift card. When you get to the contest landing page, you can enter a work-day chic, every-day, glam-formal, or date-night look. If you enter more than one look you have a better chance of winning.


The contest is open until March 21, and I hope that you’ll participate and share this contest with your readers. Let me know if you have any questions; we want to make sure you get your Hanes tights!

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